DC Generators Blog.
Let me introduce the AutoGen automatic start generator controller.

Where do I begin?
It’s been a long journey since the conception of the AutoGen automatic start generator controller. The amount of hours, headaches, excitements, burnt controllers, endless programming, just to get it up to the standards of perfection…
There is so much more I want the AutoGen to be able to do, but I have come to realize that it should just do its job and do it well. This leaves room for future improvements and features for any upcoming models.
This is my first blog. I thought It would be a good place to post any updates regarding our products and services.
I would love to hear your thoughts or feature recommendations. I will try my hardest to be available and answer to anyone as soon as possible!
Great example of a customer installing 2 × V2 AutoGen controllers on 2 seperate genesets.
Gary from California US has an offgrid property with 2 generators as a constant power source. If main generator shuts down, the backup generator starts.
This has been accomplished with 2 x V2 AutoGen generator controllers.
In the video Gary demonstates the changeover between generators and the V2 AutoGens automating the entire process.
Another custom install on a petrol engine coupled to a pump for Maple syrup extraction. The V2 AutoGen monitors ambient temperature and starts the engine at -1 degrees Celsius and shutdown at 1 degrees Celsius.
Location in Northern Canada.